Duong Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Hem 60 Ngach 60 29 is located in Phuong 7 region of Dong Bang Song Cuu Long. The Pin code of Duong Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Hem 60 Ngach 60 29 is 951527.

Place Information
Place Name Duong Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Hem 60 Ngach 60 29
Postal Code 951527
County Phuong 7
Province Soc Trang
Subregion Soc Trang
Region Dong Bang Song Cuu Long
Country Vietnam

Other Places in Phuong 7

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Khu Dan Cu Hung Thinh Day Nha F, Khu Dan Cu Hung Thinh Day Nha C, Khu Dan Cu Hung Thinh Day Nha B, Khu Dan Cu Hung Thinh Day Nha A, Duong Xa Lan, Duong Suong Nguyet Anh K6 P7, Duong Soc Vo, Duong Quoc Lo 1a K2 P7 Hem 54 Ngach 54 8, Duong Quoc Lo 1a K2 P7 Hem 54 Ngach 54 1, Duong Quoc Lo 1a K2 P7 Hem 54, Duong Quoc Lo 1a K2 P7 Hem 3, See More

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Country Name Description
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Switzerland The captial of Switzerland is Bern. Residents of Switzerland are called as Swiss. Area of Switzerland is approx. 41,277 km2. With an approximate population of 8,544,034 the population density of Switzerland is 206 people per square kilometers. The currency of Switzerland is Swiss Franc. Swiss Franc has a short currency code of CHF. Official Language of Switzerland is German. Switzerland is largest country in the world. Switzerland is most populous country in the world.
Georgia The captial of Georgia is Tbilisi. Residents of Georgia are called as Georgians. Area of Georgia is approx. 69,700 km2. With an approximate population of 3,907,131 the population density of Georgia is 56 people per square kilometers. The currency of Georgia is Georgian Lari. Georgian Lari has a short currency code of GEL. Official Language of Georgia is Georgian. Georgia is largest country in the world. Georgia is most populous country in the world.
Cambodia The captial of Cambodia is Phnom Penh. Residents of Cambodia are called as Cambodians. Area of Cambodia is approx. 181,035 km2. With an approximate population of 16,245,729 the population density of Cambodia is 89 people per square kilometers. The currency of Cambodia is Cambodian Riel. Cambodian Riel has a short currency code of KHR. Official Language of Cambodia is Khmer. Cambodia is largest country in the world. Cambodia is most populous country in the world.