The list of all places of region Bokidiawe are-
Thiehel Sebbe, Savatouna, Saracouro Thioutincobe, Saracouro Dialloube, Sangayel Boungou, Sadel, Pade Boyngal, Nguidjilone Velingara, Nguidjilone Somono, Nguidjilone Lodiou, Ndouloumadji Founebe, See More
Thiehel Sebbe, Savatouna, Saracouro Thioutincobe, Saracouro Dialloube, Sangayel Boungou, Sadel, Pade Boyngal, Nguidjilone Velingara, Nguidjilone Somono, Nguidjilone Lodiou, Ndouloumadji Founebe, Mow, Mboloyel, Mbakhna Ii, Mbakhna I, Kirire Ii, Kirire I, Kedele, Kawel Kangal, Kawel Dialloube, Kawel Diallabe, Katote, Guiraye, Gaoudal Ii, Gaoudal I, Gaol, Doumga Rindiaw, Doumga Ouro Thierno, Doumga Ouro Alpha, Dondou, Djolol Yalalbe I, Diovol, Diolol Diaoube, Bokidiawe Toucouleur, Bokidiawe Sarakhole, Belel Pathe, Belel Ndiakir and Aly Oury. Show less
You can view the details of each region in Bokidiawe by clicking on the links below: