The captial of Republic Of The Congo is Brazzaville. Residents of Republic Of The Congo are called as Congolese. Area of Republic Of The Congo is approx. 342,000 km2. With an approximate population of 5,399,895 the population density of Republic Of The Congo is 15 people per square kilometers. The currency of Republic Of The Congo is Cfa Franc Beac. Cfa Franc Beac has a short currency code of XAF. Official Language of Republic Of The Congo is Niger-congo. Republic Of The Congo is 66th largest country in the world. Republic Of The Congo is 118th most populous country in the world.

On this page, you will find the information related to Pin Codes / Postal Codes / Zip Codes of all the regions of Republic Of The Congo. You can view the name of all regions in Republic Of The Congo below:

Capital Brazzaville
Demonym Congolese
Country Code +242
ISO alpha-2 CG
ISO alpha-3 COG
Area 342,000 km2
Currency Code XAF
Currency Symbol FCFA
Currency Name Cfa Franc Beac
Population 5,399,895
Language Niger-congo

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