Castel De Ratti is located in Borghetto Di Borbera region of Piemonte. The Pin code of Castel De Ratti is 15060.

Place Information
Place Name Castel De Ratti
Postal Code 15060
County Borghetto Di Borbera
Subregion Alessandria
Region Piemonte
Country Italy

Other Places in Borghetto Di Borbera

Some nearby places of Castel De Ratti are- Torreratti Persi, Torre De Ratti, Persi, Molo Di Borbera, Cerreto Ratti, Castel De Ratti, Boriana and Borghetto Di Borbera.

You can also view the details of other regions of Borghetto Di Borbera by clicking on the links below:

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