The list of all places of region Konye are-
Wone, Weme, Three Corners Bekondo, Supe, Small Sofo, Small Ngwandi, Small Massaka, Old Ifanga, Nkwentor, New Difenda, New Butu, See More
Wone, Weme, Three Corners Bekondo, Supe, Small Sofo, Small Ngwandi, Small Massaka, Old Ifanga, Nkwentor, New Difenda, New Butu, Ndor, Ndoi Bakundu, Ndikolo, Mekoli, Mbu, Mbonge Meteke Ii, Mbonge Meteke I, Mbombe, Mator Butu, Matondo Ii, Matondo I, Massaka I, Makobe, Lubangi, Lokando, Lipenja, Kurume, Kumbe, Kukaka, Konye, Kombone Bafaw, Kokobuma, Koba, Itoki, Ile, Ifanga Ya Onya, Ifanga Nalende, Ediki Mbonge, Ebota, Ebemi Ii, Ebemi Bakundu, Dubange, Dissosso, Dissoni, Dipenda, Dikome Bafaw, Butu, Bolo Moboka, Bitenge, Bikoki, Big Ngwandi, Bekondo, Bekoli, Bakumba and Baduma. Show less
You can view the details of each region in Konye by clicking on the links below: